Don’t Let These 5 Fears Crush Your Financial Independence!

Don’t Let These 5 Fears Crush Your Financial Independence!

Why People Procrastinate When it Comes to Meeting With Investment Advisors

“The stock market has a way of humbling everyone eventually. Yes, everyone — and I mean everyone — makes investment mistakes, even advisors.”

In pursuing financial well-being, many individuals find themselves standing at the crossroads of opportunity and hesitation. The prospect of meeting with an investment advisor portfolio manager can be a powerful catalyst for positive change. Yet, all too often, deep-rooted fears act as formidable barriers, preventing individuals from taking the first crucial step.

In this eye-opening exploration, we dig deep into the top 5 Fears that hold people back from seeking the guidance of an investment advisor portfolio manager. If you feel you might fit into this category, instead of letting these worries control you, let’s break them down and clear them away. I want to help you take charge of your financial future without being held back by fear.

Replace Fear with Confidence

Instilling confidence in clients is one of the most important things investment advisors do. Investing often comes with its fair share of common fears that can make the journey seem intimidating. One prevalent worry is the fear of market unpredictability — many are concerned about the ups and downs of stocks and how they might impact their investments. The fear of making the wrong decisions is another common apprehension; individuals worry about choosing the right stocks or funds, fearing that a single misstep could lead to significant losses. Additionally, the fear of potential financial setbacks and losses looms large, creating anxiety about the security of hard-earned money.

In this article, I’ll address these fears and provide some helpful tips to confidently overcome these concerns and work towards building a more secure financial future.

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Fear of Judgement

This fear is a VERY common fear. Many of my meetings start with people saying, “I know I should be doing better financially.” This feeling of inadequacy is unfortunately quite common and often comes from personal expectations or societal pressures about where someone thinks they should be financially.

It’s a common thing to compare our lives to others, we do it all the time. Retirement saving is no exception. We often look at what others have achieved or where they are in their retirement plans, and it can make us feel like we should be doing the same. But it’s important to remember that everyone’s retirement journey is unique. Comparisons might not capture the full picture of someone’s situation. Instead of focusing on what others are doing, it’s more beneficial to concentrate on our individual goals and create a retirement plan that suits our own needs and aspirations.

It’s important to understand that everyone’s financial journey is different, and comparing yourself to others is not helpful. With over 25 years of experience as an investment advisor and portfolio manager, and having built strong relationships with advisors and portfolio managers across various firms, I can confidently say that judging clients on their progress is rarely, if ever, on our minds. As advisors, our primary focus is on understanding where you currently stand in your financial journey and how we will work tirelessly to guide you toward a more efficient path to retirement. Our primary goal is to provide support and expertise, helping you make informed decisions that align with your unique goals and aspirations. The journey to retirement is a collaborative effort, and our emphasis is on your financial well-being and success.

We aim above all else to create a comfortable space where we can work on a plan that fits your unique situation and helps you move forward positively.

SHHHH! Here is a secret! The Stock Market Humbles EVERYONE EVENTUALLY! EVERYONE and I MEAN EVERYONE makes investment mistakes…EVEN ADVISORS.

People might feel uneasy, concerned that their financial situation isn’t perfect, and that they’ll be judged for past decisions or current circumstances. This worry can create a barrier, making it difficult for individuals to openly discuss their financial concerns and seek the advice they need.

The stock market has a way of humbling everyone eventually. Yes, everyone — and I mean everyone — makes investment mistakes, even advisors. It’s a part of the process. The important thing is not avoiding mistakes altogether (because, let’s face it, that’s impossible), but learning from them and using those lessons to become a savvier investor. So, if you’ve had a stumble or two in the market, know that you’re not alone — it’s a shared experience that even the pros have faced. The key is to keep learning, adjusting, and moving forward on your financial journey.

Financial Insecurity

Many individuals steer clear of investment advisors and portfolio managers due to a common concern: financial insecurity. It’s completely natural to feel less knowledgeable or be worried about revealing financial struggles. This sense of insecurity can hold people back from seeking the professional guidance they might desperately need.

Setting the expectation to have the same level of financial knowledge as an advisor who works in the field every day is an unfair standard to impose on yourself. Investment advisors portfolio managers dedicate their careers to mastering the intricacies of the financial landscape, and it’s entirely normal for individuals to have varying levels of expertise in this area.

Instead of expecting to match their knowledge on some level, recognize that seeking guidance from a professional is generally a smart move. Advisors are here to share their insights, clarify complexities, and help you navigate the financial terrain more effectively. It’s okay not to know everything, and acknowledging this allows you to make informed decisions with the support of those who specialize in the field.

Investment Advisors are Expensive

Worrying about the cost of financial advice is a common concern that can hold many people back. There’s a perception that financial advisors are expensive, and this fear may lead some to avoid seeking professional advice altogether. The good news is that this concern is often based on a misconception. Many financial advisors provide a range of fee structures, including options that cater to different budgets.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that numerous studies suggest the true expense lies in NOT hiring an investment advisor portfolio manager. Research indicates that individuals who work with advisors tend to report higher levels of satisfaction and often achieve a higher net worth compared to those who navigate the financial landscape on their own. While the upfront cost may seem like an investment, the long-term benefits can far outweigh any perceived expenses. Hiring an investment advisor portfolio manager is not just a financial decision; it’s an investment in your peace of mind and future prosperity. Don’t let cost concerns prevent you from taking steps toward securing your financial well-being.

Lack Of Trust

Building trust is essential in any advisor-client relationship, but some individuals might be hesitant to meet with an advisor due to a lack of trust in financial professionals. Worries about potential conflicts of interest, hidden fees, or the fear of being misled can create reluctance.

The investment industry in both Canada and the United States is heavily regulated, helping to ensure a high level of consumer protection. Working with a regulated firm, which is the norm in the industry, provides consumers with exceptional safeguards. These regulations are designed to promote transparency, prevent conflicts of interest, and mandate financial professionals to act in the best interests of their clients. This oversight significantly enhances the security and protection of individuals seeking financial advice, reinforcing the importance of collaborating with reputable, regulated firms in the investment landscape.

Choosing to work with a fiduciary further elevates the level of trust and protection in the advisor-client relationship. A fiduciary is legally obligated to prioritize the client’s best interests above all else. This commitment helps ensure that financial recommendations and decisions are made with the sole focus of maximizing benefits for the client. Working with a fiduciary helps add an extra layer of assurance, as it aligns the advisor’s interests with those of the client. It’s a powerful choice for individuals seeking not only financial guidance but also the peace of mind that comes with knowing their advisor is bound by a strict ethical duty to act in their favour. This commitment to transparency and integrity enhances the overall level of consumer protection within the regulated investment landscape.

Taking the time to find an advisor whose values align with yours and who is committed to building a trustworthy partnership can help alleviate these concerns and pave the way for a more secure financial future.

Previous Negative Experiences

Indeed, past negative experiences with investment advisors portfolio managers, or investments can cast a long shadow, instigating a fear of potential repetition. When trust has been eroded due to prior unfavorable encounters, individuals might find themselves hesitating to seek out professional advice once more. People are afraid because they think the same bad things might happen again with their money.

Believing all advisors are alike is a common misconception, but it’s not true. They have differences in how they work and what they specialize in, so it’s important not to assume they’re all the same. Just like people, they have their unique strengths. So, it’s important not to assume they’re all alike. Building trust again is really important in these situations, so they can look for new advisors who are open, clear, and share their financial goals.

In The End…

It’s normal to feel scared or unsure about getting financial advice. However, these concerns can be overcome. Finding the right advisor is like finding a helpful guide for your money journey. By understanding and facing your fears, you empower yourself to make smart choices. Look for an advisor who understands your needs and is open and trustworthy. Remember, the right advisor can turn your financial worries into steps toward a better and more secure future.

Have Questions? Contact us!

We’ve assisted our clients through every stage of life. Even when you’re not aware that something might impact your financial future, it likely will to some extent. Engaging in a conversation with your investment advisor about any financial changes is an excellent approach to keeping your financial goals in focus.

We have expertise in cross-border wealth management. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us — we’re committed to providing tailored solutions for your cross-border financial needs.

For more information or to connect with me, you can reach out via email at or get to know me better by exploring my engaging video content on YouTube

I share valuable insights and discussions on financial planning, market commentary, and investing concepts that can further enrich your understanding. Join me on my channel to discover more!

Don’t hesitate to reach out today at 1–888–324–4259 to discover more about how we can help you achieve your investment milestones.

Joe A. Macek, FMA, CIM, DMS, FCSI

Investment Advisor, Portfolio Manager

iA Private Wealth | iA Private Wealth USA

Toll Free North America: 1–888–324–4259


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26 Wellington Street East, Suite 700

Toronto, Ontario M5E 1S2

iA Private Wealth is a member of IIROC and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. iA Private Wealth (USA) Inc. is a registered investment adviser with the SEC. This platform is solely for informational purposes. Investing involves risk and possible loss of principal capital. Comments by viewers or third-party rankings and recognitions are no guarantee of future investment outcomes and do not ensure that a viewer will experience a higher level of performance or results. Public comments posted on this site are not selected, amended, deleted, or sorted in any way. If applicable, certain editing of personal identifiable information and misinformation may be deleted. Adviser believes that the content provided by third parties and/or linked content is reasonably reliable and does not contain untrue statements of material fact, or misleading information. This content may be dated. Please visit the following page for further disclosures related to iA Private Wealth (USA) Inc.:


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