Navigating the Financial Content Landscape: The Top 10 Reasons You Should Trust Content from Advisors instead of Unlicensed Finfluencers

In an era inundated with an ever-expanding digital landscape, seeking financial advice has undergone a significant transformation. The rise of social media and online platforms has democratized information, enabling a plethora of voices to emerge, offering guidance on financial matters. However, amid this abundance of information, the challenge remains. How do we discern credible financial advice from the noise?

There are some pretty big warning signs we should pay attention to when we’re looking for trustworthy financial influencers — or finfluencers. For instance, most times their facts aren’t accurate, or their information is all over the place. Most seem more focused on selling products, or courses rather than giving genuine advice to help us out.

I’ve also noticed that most finfluencers don’t seem to be experts in the topics they cover. Then there are those who act unprofessionally or make promises they don’t keep, and many finfluencers say things without any proof or evidence to support what they’re saying.

However, by being aware of these signs, you can really be smart about who you trust for financial content online. It’s all about finding those who are consistent, engaging, know what they’re talking about, but above all else — REGULATED. These would be your licensed Investment Advisors and Portfolio Managers that are registered with the SEC or Securities Commissions in Canada, so, keep your eyes peeled for these things to ensure you are getting solid, reliable financial content in this digital age.

Navigating the online world of finance advice can be tricky, but by looking out for warning signs, we can make sure we’re following finfluencers who are licensed and offer sound, reliable content.

Want more TRUSTED content? Come See me on YOUTUBE!

Lets look at the top 10 reasons why you want to follow a licensed Investment Advisors/Portfolio Managers’ content, compared to an unlicensed finfluencer.

1. Credibility and Trust:

Licensed fiduciaries, Investment Advisors and Portfolio Managers are regulated professionals who have undergone training and certification. Their advice is grounded in professional standards, which often translates to a higher level of credibility and trustworthiness compared to unlicensed finfluencers. Moreover fiduciaries have a legal obligation to do what’s in the clients best interests, (they are held to a fiduciary standard, which means they must prioritize their clients’ needs over their own) and advisors also have a duty of care when dealing with clients and prospective clients. This level of responsibility can ensure that their online content is sound and in the best interest of their audience.

2. Ethical Guidelines:

Investment Advisors and Portfolio Managers operate under strict ethical guidelines. They are bound by codes of conduct and professional ethics, which ensures that their advice is based on principles that prioritize the client’s well-being.

3. Regulatory Oversight:

Licensed Investment Advisors and Portfolio Managers are subject to regulatory oversight by Securities Commissions. This oversight ensures they adhere to industry regulations and standards, providing an additional layer of protection and quality assurance for their followers.

4. Expertise and Knowledge:

Investment Advisors and Portfolio Managers typically have extensive education, training, and experience in financial planning and investment management. This expertise often results in well-researched content that is backed by industry knowledge, and in most cases years of experience. Content is also approved and monitored by the compliance departments of firms to ensure the content meets regulatory standards — ensuring no guarantees or outlandish claims are made withing the content.

5. Personalized Advice:

Investment Advisors and Portfolio Managers often provide personalized advice tailored to an individual’s financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance. This level of customization typically prevents advisors content from making specific recommendations about securities, something unlicensed finfluencers do quite often in their content.

6. Long-Term Planning:

Investment Advisors and Portfolio Managers often focus on long-term financial planning rather than short-term gains. Their advice tends to revolve around sustainable and prudent financial strategies rather than quick fixes or trendy investment tips. In short, they generally seek to generate an overall risk adjusted return for their clients, instead of trying to beat or time the market with frequent trading.

7. Risk Management:

As touched on earlier, Investment Advisors and Portfolio Managers typically prioritize risk management and understand the importance of mitigating risks in investment and financial decisions. Their advice is usually more conservative and focused on preserving wealth over inflation, rather than seeking growth at any price.

8. Accountability and Transparency:

Investment Advisors and Portfolio Managers are accountable for their advice and actions. They must disclose potential conflicts of interest and be transparent about their fees and how they are compensated, ensuring followers are fully informed. Unlicensed finfluencers have no such obligations.

9. Client-Centric Approach:

Investment Advisors and Portfolio Managers place a strong emphasis on understanding their clients’ needs, goals, and concerns. This client-centric approach often results in more personalized and empathetic advice that takes into account the individual circumstances of their followers. This is why most content uploaded publicly by advisors steer very clear of providing specific recommendations. Advisors must adhere to Know Your Client Rules on both sides of the border.

10. Continual Education and Professional Development:

Investment Advisors and Portfolio Managers are usually required to engage in ongoing education and professional development to maintain their licenses. This commitment to staying updated with the latest trends, regulations, and best practices allows them to provide current and informed advice.

A final word on Unlicensed Finfluencers

In the realm of unlicensed finfluencers, it’s unfortunate but most showcase unreliability and lack of credibility. Much of the content lacks factual accuracy, ethical standards, knowledge and expertise, and they often present inconsistent or misleading information. Moreover, many focus on promoting products or courses, rather than offering genuine value.

BUT, I am not saying ALL finfluencers cannot be trusted. Some unlicensed finfluencers provide valuable insights and information, along with some excellent engaging content. However, the rigorous standards, accountability, and client-focused approach of licensed Investment Advisors and Portfolio Managers often provides a more reliable and trustworthy source of financial content for individuals seeking information on social media.

Why should you follow me?

I am an Investment Advisor and Portfolio Manager at iA Private Wealth with over 25 years of expertise in finance. I am registered in seven provinces in Canada and also registered to offer cross-border services in Texas, USA, through iA Private Wealth USA inc. My comprehensive approach to portfolio construction includes stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETF’s ( and many other more complex securities ) as well as providing retirement projections, tax minimization strategies, and estate planning. I focus on strong client relationships and have a global approach to wealth management. I also am deeply engaged in philanthropy, as I actively support charities, sit on Turning Leaf Support Services’ board, and mentor young investors on a pro bono basis.

Have Questions? Contact us

We’ve assisted our clients through every stage of life. Even when you’re not aware that something might impact your financial future, it likely will to some extent. Engaging in a conversation with your investment advisor about any financial changes is an excellent approach to keeping your financial goals in focus.

We have the expertise in cross-border wealth management. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us — we’re committed to providing tailored solutions for your cross-border financial needs.

For more information or to connect with me, you can reach out via email at or get to know me better by exploring my engaging video content on YouTube

I share valuable insights and discussions on financial planning, market commentary, and investing concepts that can further enrich your understanding. Join me on my channel to discover more!

Don’t hesitate to reach out today at 1–888–324–4259 to discover more about how we can help you achieve your investment milestones.

Joe A. Macek, FMA, CIM, DMS, FCSI

Investment Advisor, Portfolio Manager

iA Private Wealth | iA Private Wealth USA

Toll Free North America: 1–888–324–4259


238 Portage Ave, 3rd Floor

Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0B1

26 Wellington Street East, Suite 700

Toronto, Ontario M5E 1S2

iA Private Wealth is a member of IIROC and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. iA Private Wealth (USA) Inc. is a registered investment adviser with the SEC. This platform is solely for informational purposes. Investing involves risk and possible loss of principal capital. Comments by viewers or third-party rankings and recognitions are no guarantee of future investment outcomes and do not ensure that a viewer will experience a higher level of performance or results. Public comments posted on this site are not selected, amended, deleted, or sorted in any way. If applicable, certain editing of personal identifiable information and misinformation may be deleted. Adviser believes that the content provided by third parties and/or linked content is reasonably reliable and does not contain untrue statements of material fact, or misleading information. This content may be dated. Please visit the following page for further disclosures related to iA Private Wealth (USA) Inc.:


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